MagnActive (30 gm)

MagnActive - Best Antiseptic Healing Cream


Magnactive – multipurpose ayurvedic antiseptic cream for dry skin, cuts, scratches, minor burns, wounds, cold sores and chapped skin for all skin types.

Slows down infection & supports healing process

Why Green Cure?

Natural & Herbal Ingredients

MAGNOLIA (हिम चम्पा)

Magnolia a bioactive linkage from Magnolia bark and roots, has anti-inflammatory properties and minimizes skin elasticity loss.

TEA TREE LEAF OIL (चाय के पेड़ का तेल)

Tea Tree Leaf Oil has a broad antimicrobial activity, is free of allergens and reduces acute inflammatory reactions.

ZINCUM (यशद भष्म)

Zincum is characterized by anti-inflammatory, astringent properties and has a soothing and drying effect.

What to Expect

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