
ArniCap – Best Herbal Pain Relieving Ointment


Arnicap Pain Relieving Cream – gives relief from pain and stiffness. It also helps to relieve muscular aches, swellings and sprain. Helps to improve the blood circulation to the affected parts and helpful in muscle pull.

India's first Internationally Certified Pain Relief Cream

Why Green Cure?

Natural Ingredients

ARNICA (अर्निका)

Characterized by anti-inflammatory properties, Arnica enhances appearance of dry, damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness.

CAMPHOR (कपूर)

Camphor is used to relieve pain. Specially treatment of lower back pain & muscle pain.

CAPSICUM (शिमला मिर्च)

Capsicum has a strong rubefacient effect. It directly excites the nervous connections to increase local blood flow that tones down inflammatory effects on skin.

GINGER (अदरक)

Ginger is primarily used for its warming effects to soothe and relax the skin & muscle.

MENTHOL (मेन्थॉल)

Menthol has anesthetic properties & reduces muscle pain.

What to Expect

Scientifically Proven

Healthline recommends Arnica for pain and swelling

A Scientific Report of Healthline stated the efficacy of Ginger for relieving pain

NCBI recommends Capsicum for relieving pain

NCBI recommends Menthol for relieving pain

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