BronchiCure (100ml)



Bronchicure – Immunity booster for Asthma & Bronchitis patients, Helps in breathlessness due to pollution and allergy & cleans respiratory tract. It is a herbal syrup for respiratory wellness.

India’s First Lung Protection Syrup

Why Green Cure?

Natural & Herbal Ingredients

IVY LEAF (आईवी पत्ता)

Ivy Leaf has the ability relax the airways and taking care of the thick mucus that cannot be expectorated. This helps with wheezing & breathlessness.

THYME LEAF EXTRACT (अजवाइन की पत्तियाँ)

Thyme leaves are enriched with antibacterial properties, and helps in breathing issues and dry cough.

What to Expect

Doctor Recommended

Scientifically Proven

A Scientific Research on efficacy of IVY Leaf for Asthma, Bronchitis and Cough, Healthline

NCBI recommends Thyme leaf extract for Asthma and Bronchitis

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